Name | Description |
music | 音乐字段 |
acrid | ACRCloud ID |
timestamp_utc | 服务端返回时间 ( UTC 时间 ) |
title | 歌曲名 |
album | 专辑名 |
id | 歌手 / 专辑 / 第三方字段 id |
name | 歌手名 / 专辑名 |
artists | 歌手字段 |
duration_ms | 歌曲时长 (毫秒) |
play_offset_ms | 播放位置 |
external_ids | 其他标准码(如 isrc) |
isrc | ISRC 标准编码 |
upc | UPC 编码 |
external_metadata | 第三方平台 id 和 metadata |
track | 歌曲字段 |
genres | 曲风 |
label | 音乐发行版权方 |
release_date | 发行时间 |
spotify | Spotify 字段 |
deezer | Deezer 字段 |
lyricfind | LyricFind 字段 |
lfid | LyricFind id |
vid | Youtube 视频 id |
musicbrainz | MusicBrainz id |
iswc | ISWC 标准编码 |
db_begin_time_offset_ms | 识别的音频结果在数据库中开始位置 |
db_end_time_offset_ms | 识别的音频结果在数据库中结束位置 |
sample_begin_time_offset_ms | 结果在识别的音频的开始位置 |
sample_end_time_offset_ms | 结果在识别的音频的结束位置 |
score | 识别置信度(满分为100分) |
lyrics | 歌词相关metadata |
copyrights | 歌词版权方 |
contributors | 歌曲的艺术家字段 |
composers | 歌曲的作曲家 |
lyricists | 歌曲的作词家 |
language | 歌曲语言 |
+works | Publishing metadata fields for works |
+iswc | ISWC code |
+name | work name |
+creators | The creators of the work |
+ipi | creator ipi code |
+roles | the role of the creator |
"status": {
"msg": "Success",
"code": 0,
"version": "1.0"
"result_type": 0,
"metadata": {
"type": "delay",
"timestamp_utc": "2020-07-06 04:38:43",
"played_duration": 73,
"music": [
"album": {
"name": "Wish"
"play_offset_ms": 154600,
"sample_begin_time_offset_ms": 0,
"lyrics": {
"copyrights": [
"Universal Music Publishing Group"
"contributors": {
"composers": [
"Perry Bamonte",
"Porl Thompson",
"Boris Williams",
"Simon Gallup",
"Robert Smith"
"lyricists": [
"Boris Williams",
"Porl Thompson",
"Perry Bamonte",
"Robert James Smith",
"Simon Johnathon Gallup"
"title": "Friday I'm In Love ( LP Version )",
"result_from": 3,
"release_date": "1992-04-07",
"sample_end_time_offset_ms": 9120,
"genres": [
"name": "Pop"
"label": "Elektra Records",
"db_end_time_offset_ms": 154540,
"score": 100,
"db_begin_time_offset_ms": 145420,
"artists": [
"name": "The Cure"
"duration_ms": 214400,
"external_ids": {
"isrc": [
"iswc": [
"upc": [
"acrid": "4b10ecaa3dbcc60e9f7924919722e133",
"external_metadata": {
"musicbrainz": [
"track": {
"id": "59294de3-aaff-4d2d-bdc4-cbfe91de892e"
"spotify": [
"album": {
"name": "Wish",
"id": "6tCOXpiN1FvDBl0eT6WtG3"
"track": {
"name": "Friday I'm In Love",
"id": "20CNpCKq1oTdvekXaboyeq"
"artists": [
"name": "The Cure",
"id": "7bu3H8JO7d0UbMoVzbo70s"
"deezer": [
"album": {
"name": "Wish",
"id": "1344846"
"track": {
"name": "Friday I'm In Love ( LP Version )",
"id": "14611440"
"artists": [
"name": "The Cure",
"id": "381"
"youtube": [
"vid": "mGgMZpGYiy8"
"record_timestamp": "20200706043843"